AG Pferd - Event Recordings

view cervical spine 2021-01

Online Live Event - recorded on May,19th
Duration: 2h 27 min
Lecture by Natasha Werpy:
Prevalence of anatomical changes of the cervical spine and their clinical relevance

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view cervical spine 2021-02

Online Live Event - recorded on May,26th
Duration: 2h 51 min
Lecture A Christine Gee:
Anatomical and biomechanical impact of C6 / C7 morphological variations on clinical signs
Lecture B Steve Reed:
Clinical assessment of an ataxic horse & differentiation between lameness and ataxia

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view cervical spine 2021-03

Online Live Event - recorded on June 2nd
Duration: 2h 37 min
Sue Dyson:
Forelimb lameness associated with neck lesions
including traumatically-induced injuries of the neck

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view cervical spine 2021-04

Online Live Event - recorded on June,9th
Duration: 2h 46 min
Lecture A Christine Gee:
Clinical examination and potential indicators for the presence of caudal cervical morphological variations
Lecture B Jennifer Janes:
Equine cervical spinal column pathology - A pathologist`s perspective

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view cervical spine 2021-05

Online Live Event - recorded on June,16th
Duration: 2h 51 min
Lecture A Sarah Puchalski:
Computer tomographic examination of the cervical spine
Lecture B Philippe Benoit
Ultrasonographic examination of the cervical spine

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view cervical spine 2021-06

Online Live Event - recorded on June,23th
Duration: 2h 31 min
Lecture A Sue Dyson:
Radiographic examination of the cervical spine including T1 –
how to acquire diagnostic quality images & how to interpret them
Lecture B Philippe Benoit
Medical treatment of clinical symptoms included by anatomical changes of the cervical spine

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view Cervical Spine 2021-07

Online Live Event - recorded on June,30th
Duration: 2h 35 min
Lecture A by Steve Reed
Pre- and post-surgial management of horses incurring cervical spine surgery
Lecture B by Fabrice Rossignol
Surgical treatment of clinical symptoms induced by anatomical changes of the cervical spine

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view cervical spine 2021-08

Online Live Event - recorded on July, 7th
Duration: 3h 22 min
Lecture A by Kevin Haussler
Anatomy and function of the cervical spine
Lecture B by Kevin Haussler
Manual treatment of clinical symptoms induced by anatomical changes of the cervical spine
Lecture C by Katharina Ros
Dental treatment of clinical symptoms induced by anatomical changes of C6 to T1

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view cervical spine 2021-09

Online Live Event - recorded on July, 14th
Duration: 2h 41 min
Lecture A by Sèbastien Caure
Effects of external and individual factors on low neck kinematics
Lecture B by Sue Dyson
Clinical signs related to the neck - are they primary or secondary ?

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view cervical spine 2021-10

Online Live Event - recorded on July, 21th
Duration: 2h 42 min
Lecture A by Stefan Stammer
Treating functional instability through medical training therapy
Lecture B by Melinda Story
Clinical assesments of the cervical spine in chronic pain and dysfunction

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view - Lecture Ottmar Distl

Duration: 0h 49 min
speaker: Ottmar Distl - institute for animal breeding and genetics HANNOVER / Germany.
Heritability of pathologies of the cervical spine that have or may have an effect on the health of horses

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view cervical spine 2021-11

Online Live Event - recorded on September 08th 2021
Duration: 2h xx min

Panel discussion on treatment and management of pain and dysfunction related to the cervical spine with Philippe Benoit, Christine Gee, Melinda Story, Kevin Haussler, Stefan Stammer

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view cervical spine 2021-12

Online Live Event - recorded on September 15th 2021
Duration: 2h xx min

Panel discussion on treatment and management of pain and dysfunction related to the cervical spine with Philippe Benoit, Christine Gee, Melinda Story, Kevin Haussler and Stefan Stammer

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Lve Online Event "Cervical Spine"

The Cervical Spine Digital Equine Orthopedic Rounds:
Starting May 19, 2021 (Wednesday), and then weekly

Several anatomical variations and pathological changes of the equine cervical vertebral columns are known to cause pain-associated or neurologically-mediated gait disorders. Other variants are blamed to be causes without evidence-based certainty of their clinical relevance. Among these are the congenital variations or malformations of the sixth cervical (Ce6) to first thoracic (T1) vertebrae! This series of webinars has been set-up to discuss all that is known (and what is not known) about the cervical spine of horses including the congenital Ce6-T1variations. This will include structure (anatomy), function (biomechanics), clinical relevance of the diverse findings, their diagnosis, treatment options and management of affected horses and will also consider heritability of the conditions.

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imprint / Impressum / Anbieter

Dr. Arno Lindner - Arbeitsgruppe Pferd -
Heinrich-Röttgen-Straße 20
D - 52428 Jülich / Germany / Deutschland / Europe
Tel: +49 2461 340430
Fax: +49 2461 340484
VAT Number: DE172703891
Mail: arnolindner(at)